How can I view all the time logs for the projects?

To view all the time logs for projects, proceed as follows:

Note: This option is available only for Managers or Admins. It is not accessible in the User View.

  1. Go to the Toki Home page in the app.
  2. Click on the "Time" button located in the interface.
  3. From the dropdown menu, select "View Project Logs."
  4. The "View Project Logs" modal window will appear.
  5. Click on "Select project" and choose the specific project for which you want to view time logs.
  6. Click the "Submit" button to proceed.
  7. A pop-up named "Recent Timelogs" will appear, displaying the "Total time spent on the Project" and the "Time log of all tasks within the Project."
  8. To edit the time logged under the chosen project, click on "Edit Time log" and modify the time as needed.
  9. Save the changes by clicking the "Submit" button.

With this procedure, Managers or Admins will have the capability to view and manage all the time logs for the selected project.