Can employees cancel or modify their time off requests after submitting them through the Kiku?

Yes, employees can cancel or modify their time off requests in Kiku based on the status of the request. Here's how it works:

  1. If the time off request has not been approved by the HR manager, the employee can modify the request by following these steps:
  • Locate the submitted request in Kiku.
  • Click on the right-side menu of the request.
  • Choose the option "Modify" from the menu.
  • Make the necessary changes to the request, such as adjusting the dates or duration of the time off.
  • Save the changes to update the request.
  • Alternatively, the employee can choose the "Delete" option from the menu to cancel the request entirely.
  1. However, if the time off request has already been approved, the employee won't be able to directly modify the request. In this case, the employee needs to reach out to the HR manager or an admin for assistance.
  • The HR manager or Admin of the app can change the status of the request back to "Waiting”.
  • Once the status is changed, the employee will be able to make changes to the request by following the steps mentioned above.